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Life Skills You Learn from Dance

Writer's picture: Karlie GraceKarlie Grace

Social Skills

1. Confidence

One of the biggest skills dance imparts is building confidence and boldness amongst dancers. While it can be a competitive environment, dance provides a safe space for dancers to discover who they are and what they are capable of. Dancers learn to see their potential– empowering their self-esteem and encouraging them to dream and achieve more for themselves. Being confident in what you are capable of will help you shine at any stage in life.

2. Teamwork & Collaboration

While some performances may be done solo, a big part of dance is performing in a group. This teaches dancers even at a very young age to work together in order to achieve a goal. Dancers learn to partner with each other and their teachers in order to create something truly magical. This not only teaches them how to work with others but the importance of sharing ideas and listening to one another, developing good sportsmanship and humility

3. Respect

Very early on, dancers learn to treat people with respect. Whether it’s an instructor, classmate or competitor, dancers develop a high regard for others. Dancers truly value mentors and professionals who have advice and corrections to pass on as well as competitors who only help them grow and become better. This only helps them become the best dancers they can be.

Mental Skills

4. Resilience & Receiving Constructive Criticism

This is a skill many lack in ‘the real world.’ Dance is a humbling experience that makes students open to correction and advice that will help them grow. In any occupation or industry, constructive criticism from those in authority are essential for optimal development. Dancers learn how to build thicker skin to battle life’s shortcomings and develop the ability to thrive under pressure and deal with disappointments.

5. Perseverance & A Strong Work Ethic

Dancers learn what it means to have grit. Dance can be physically and emotionally demanding but in the right environment and with the right guidance, dancers learn how to truly persevere and overcome adversity. Learning to constantly strive towards something is common among dancers and this only develops into determination and excellence in everything they do. The rehearsals and practices only teach dancers to become hardworking individuals well beyond the world of dance.

6. Independence

Dancers learn the importance of taking care and being responsible for themselves. This is also a skill particularly developed among younger students in preschool level as they learn to separate from their mum/parents, ultimately helping them with anxiety separation. The transition to independence is a smooth transition with a school that provides the right guidance.

Physical Skills

7. Posture

Simple things like manners and learning to hold oneself properly is often overlooked. Dance gives individuals the confidence to present themselves professionally and appropriately for any type of setting, preparing them for any interview out in the corporate world.

8. Strength and Flexibility

Dancers build endurance and learn to manage what their bodies are capable of. With the right training and guidance, dancers learn the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to keep their bodies fit, strong and energetic.

Creative Skills

9. Time Management and Organisation

The balance between school, dance and other activities helps dancers prioritise their tasks and allocate their time and effort accordingly. This trains dancers to plan and organise their day-to-day lives as well as their schedule for the year with competitions, performances, exams etc. Learning to allocate time and energy properly will help them avoid burnout in the future.

10. Open-mindedness

Dance is a very diverse world that transcends nations, cultures and backgrounds. With this, dance uniquely exposes dancers to ‘real life’ early on making them more aware, knowledgeable and cultured individuals.

Cognitive Skills

11. Attention

Dancers develop an incredible ability to focus. It’s a genuine skill to block out distractions and bring your attention to a single teacher or instructor to learn something new. This ensures quality work and self-discipline to keep every task on track.

(eg; Increase memory & multi-tasking) - through having to learn the ability to acquire and retain long sequences of choreography etc.

12. Memory

Through classes, workshops and choreography, dancers learn to retain long sequences of steps and routines which is an incredibly essential life skill. This has proven to help dancers excel in academics and the workforce.

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